Excerpts From A Brief , Yet Helpful Guide to Civil Disobedience by Woody Allen

Demonstrations and Marches:
The key point about a demonstration is that it must be seen. Hence the term "demonstration." If a person demonstrates privately in his own home, this is not technically a demonstration but merely "acting silly."
A fine example of a demonstration was the Boston Tea Party, where outraged Americans disguised as Indians dumped British tea into the harbor. Later, Indians disguised as outraged Americans dumped actual British into the harbor. Following that, the British disguised as tea, dumped each other into the harbor. Finally, German mercenaries clad only in costumes from The Trojan Women leapt into the harbor for no apparent reason.
Miscellaneous Methods of Civil Disobedience:
-Tying up traffic by leading a flock of sheep into a shopping area.
-Dressing up as a policeman and skipping.
-Pretending to be an artichoke but punching people as they pass.